In the Konstlyftet project, users and staff from 12 daily activities programmes for people with functional impairments have visited Malmö Konsthall and been inspired by this year’s exhibitions. During a total of 59 workshop events they have tested ideas and explored techniques and materials. The focus has been on graphics and on creating by making prints, combined with a desire to let something disappear so it can be transformed into something else. The result is the exhibition Molntäcke och vildhonung (Cloud cover and wild honey) in which grains of sand, squares, plaster, paint, words and objects in various ways attempt to capture a dream, a thought.

Participants in Konstlyftet are Daglig Verksamhet LSS Annexet, Bokbytet, Butik Holmgången, Fabriken, Framtiden, Informationsgruppen, Kronan, Lindeborg, Linnéhuset, Pappersmakarna, Sopstationen and Tolvan.

Project managers/artists: Antje Nilsson, Malmö Konsthall, and Anne Marte Overaa & Eva Hejdström, KKV Grafik.

Konstlyftet has received funding from Malmö Department of Culture.

Opening event Thursday 19.1 at 13–15
Sylvia Björk, chair of the Culture Committee, will open the exhibition at 13.30.

KONSTLYFTET was launched in 2011 and focuses on people with cognitive or physical functional challenges. The participants are inspired by exhibitions at Malmö Konsthall and work with graphics on a small and large scale. Everyone participates based on their own unique circumstances.

Daglig Verksamhet LSS is a daily activities programme under the Act concerning Support and Service
for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments.