The exhibition includes showings of the short film Women of Yalla by Ellen Sundgren, which has been created for the anniversary. Products from the cooperative’s sewing studio will also be displayed, together with pictures and photos of Yalla Trappan’s activities.

Yalla Trappan

Yalla Trappan is a work integration social enterprise and women’s cooperative that is run by a non-profit association in Rosengård in Malmö. After 10 years, Yalla Trappan employs more than 40 people and also accepts trainees for work introduction in its three areas of operation: café and catering services, sewing studio, cleaning and conference services.

Yalla Trappan creates job opportunities by selling its services to companies and individuals. It also works with the public sector to improve the conditions for more women to enter the labour market. The aim is to create jobs and increased financial independence for immigrant women who are far from the labour market.

Read more about Yalla Trappan and its activities here ››