The evening's inspirer Åsa Sävbrand guides in the jungle of steel wire and pliers and shows how to bend and wind in the best way. There will be a couple of different projects to choose from and materials will be sold on site. Åsa is a curious craftsman who works in all materials and techniques: ecoprint, paper handicraft and carving to name a few in addition to luffarslöjd.



Staden Malmös Hemslöjdsförening

Staden Malmös Hemslöjdsförening wants to spread knowledge about craft techniques, quality, durability and recycling.

The association wants to tell the story behind the traditional craft. They work to create encounters between people in order for everyone to have the opportunity to discover the beauty, usefulness and the boundless joy in handicraft.

Staden Malmös Hemslöjdsförening works to spread the knowledge about handicrafts in the form of lectures, the opportunity to try out crafts and offer supervised in-depth courses in history, technology and materials. They have recurring inspirational and try-out evenings, often once a month.